Trying to Register with MVD Russia (St Petersburg)
To Continue to Disclose the 2024 MVD Practives inside Russia, I am now in Need of a Temporary Registration due of my New Working place in St Petersburg (Kolpino)
MVD Kolpino told me to go to St Petersburg for the Registration and there they told me that they cannot register me before 1 month of Delay due to some documents (a contract that must be approved and signed by me)
Registration of Workers at the Legal entity office address must take place at Krasnogo Tekstil'schika street number 10 and 15 (according to Kolpino MVD office)
This is clear Violation of the Law on Migration Registration of a Foreign Citizen at their place of Stay must take place during the first 7 days after their arrival to the Renting or Owned Place of the Legal Entity. (A claim was send to MVD Russia for Clarification) due to the impossibility for me to send the Declaration online with Gosuslugi due to a Foreign Passport registered and the need to use Private Company working with MVD to do this Registration of Stay in St Petersburg.
According to my current experience since 2023, it is cleart that must be used legal services to apply and submit documents to MVD Russia, to avoid unlawfull practices or delay's.
Hidden Camera at St Petersburg Krasnogo Tekstil'schika 15 (Desk 102) Talon for Registration (Krasnogo Tekstil'schika 10) Third Floor
Click on the Picture to access the full video
Immigration Difficulty for Ukrainians in Russia
This article is currently building, we will write you how an Immigrant from Ukraine without a Visa and a Migration card can establish himself in the Russian Federation and what documents he will need to be able to live legally in Russia.
By Visiting Russian Official Departments we will write a Review on the difficulty for an Ukrainian to Settle in Russia and the Easiest way for Settle legally in Russia on the Base of an Internal Ukrainian Passport.
Biography of the Media founder
I am Damien Jean Yves Jegado, i was born in Vernon, France the 10/07/1990 in a modest familly, my mother Sylvie was secretary at the 16th District in Paris Mayor House for many many years, My Father Thierry was a security Man, he manage cash transfers from Banks in a Transport Truck for the Company Euroguard and later Commercial Director of G4S and many others security company's.
I have one brother born in 1996, Thomas, and Sister Amandine born in 1999.
My Grand-Parents from my father side worked in the Agricultural sphere, and had a farm in Notre dame de l'isle, France. When i was younger they raised me because my parents was hard working to be able to remove from their Small House and Build their own House on the land that my Grand Father Marcel gave them in the Village Notre dame de l'isle, My Grand Mother was stayting at home. My Grands Parents in my Mother familly side were workers, my Grand Father Emile Worked in Renault, and my Grand Mother Ginette in Tapon, St Marcel Majority of her life, my Grand Father was born in Vietnam and My Grand Mother in Madagascar.
New Kaliningrad Office Plate 2024, Will be installed
Sample of our Visit Card Edition 2023, Made in Moscow
VK ∆ Page : https://vk.com/rednovosti
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Early Child Life
I studied in the village of Pressagny le Val and Pressagny L'orgueilleux, then i Moved to Vernon the closest Bigest city where my father register me in the Catholic School and later other childrens, he explain me his choice was because it exist danger to be registered to public school and that France started to degradate and insecurity was in others kind of School. I studied from the age of 10 to the age of 15 to the Jeanne D'arc College, then at 16 years old i goes to the Public Lycee Dumezil, Vernon, then i goes the next year from 17 to 19 years old to the Private Professional School St Agnes in Vernon where i got a Diploma of Accounting and Secretary at the end of this 2 years.
After this i decided to start a professional career because i didn't want to continue as the perspectives of salary in the accounting sphere was not interesting for me in France.
Professional Life
I Started my professional Life at the age of 19 years old by setting up a trader in France and sole electronic items from China to European consumers, i later sale goods to New Zealand and Australian Consumers.
2013 to 2014 I was helping my future wife to export goods from Ukraine to differents international Markers.
2014 to 2017 I setup a Company with my Wife in France and we start trading Doors and Windows, the Company with a Small initial investment got success during 2 years, then we was forced to close down the Business due to very high pressure of Competitors and French Elite that didn't like that a Christian from a French Village had a Business Fast Growing and Making Money in Paris and all the France, and doing lost for their Own Business, France 2 public Chanel also did a reportage on our company to make us down, reportage with millions vews on the main online news channel in France.
2017 to 2020 We decided to open a Business in Poland to expand our Business in 2016, we continued in the field to supply Ukrainian goods to the European Union Customers, we changed suppliers and Business Strategy and trading country's and then we worked this years, also we invested in transport to deliver faster Goods to European Union from Ukraine, and start to establish contacts with Russian Suppliers to trade with them.
2020 to 2022 During that time we lived in our savings as with Covid all trades operations was closed down.
Since 2022 - Till Now I continue trading alone to Russia and Poland, i was in need to restart a New Business from the scratch because we lost customers and our Managers with the Covid19, My Wife desapeared with Childs during Covid19, i don't know their actual position.
2017 Journalist ID Card issued by Glavnoe24, Made in Moscow
Order Statement as Correspondent Journalist
Private Life & Living
I Met my Future Wife Anna in 2012 in Odessa, Arcadia for the First Time that time she was still "Married" but long time separated and had a Son Andrii that appreciated me, She worked in Conference sphere with Mainly customers from Eastern Ukraine and had Chinese Man as a speaker, i also tried to give her advices to make her Small Business more successful, She never liked USA or the West, she was mainly involved with project's with Russian Speaking people's in Ukraine. For our first meeting i took a Train from Lviv to Odessa to Meet Her, She was in need to do interpreting for me and help to develop Business in Ukraine, Prior this we communicated by Skype and email, phone, She was a Nice and Sunny Person, we Drunk Champagne together, that time i liked living in Odessa, We lived 6 or 7 months in this city in 2013 where we rented a Flat Near the Odessa Railway Station, Weather was Sunny and People's Friendly in that city.
After in 2012 and first part of 2013 - I arrived almost each month to Ukraine by the company Wizzair where i had the Premium Account to meet her and spend a week or less each time in Kiev center where i rented good flats all the time and continue trying to develop Business with Ukraine. In 2013 i Married Anna in Kiev Center, at the Hotel Staro where her familly and my familly met, my parents were agree and help us and also financed this Marriage, that is a good behavior from them.
In 2014 - I Lived in a Green area in Kiev till 2017 in an appartment that my mother in law bought and i make this flat as new because everyting was destroyed in this flat, it was an empty flat, anna and me and workers worked to make this flat a cosy flat. I didn't like to live in Kiev because people's are rude there and not very friendly, they also are cold and not honest, Odessa was more easy to live to my opinion and more easy to earn money from that City, My Mother in Law helped me in my Odessa Business to pack goods, she helped to repair her flat in Kiev, and she helped also for Anna Pregnancy and others things, Ella Her Name worked in a Kiev hotel Khreschatyk and then stopped to work when Anna had Andrii to help her, Her Father is Oleg he work for the Government in Kiev.
2017-2022 With my wife and new son David (lifetime Antarctica citizen) that was born in september 2017 in Kiev we removed to the House i purchased in August 2016 from a Nice Russian Immigrant and Real estate agent in Ukraine that spoke fluently English and were interested by my professional life but i were in need with workers to finish this house to be able to live inside. In 2019 i got a daughter, Odri (lifetime Antarctica citizen) Born in October 2019, Kiev.
I also got a Correspondent journalist status in Russia and work as correspondent partner with a Moscow Based Media since 2017.
2022 - Due to Armed conflict in Ukraine i were asked to go abroad against my wish because it was i think safer and more confortable to stay in another oblast of Ukraine. I lost contact with them in the middle of 2022 because i was in need to go to Swizerland, then i were not able to contact them again and they were not in the house of my parents were they was staying in France.
I goes to Ukraine and were not able to find them (my familly), father of the Wife told that he doesn't know where she is and they are, Police of Ukraine persecute me without reasons, stole items from me, carrying unlawful search's in my residence, i asked Poland to give me a residence rights for 10 years due to ownership in a Polish Company but they decline without legal reasons, also Ukrainian state refused to issue me the Nationality of Ukraine without reason, due to political pressure of French Government (Due to to my Business in Paris 2014-2017), I send a request to Polish Ambassy in Kiev in 2021 but didn't got an approval for my Asylum Request. That Year in Hidden Way France revoked my Citizenship, that was said to me by official and financial sources partner of my Business's.
During my stay in Poland in 2022 between May to December i registered my Childs Birth Certificate there and got a PESEL for them, I time to time was able to get my Wife on Viber, she was agree to Join me there in Krakow where i rented a Small Flat, but then when she was in Need to Join me, she desapeared again from Viber and i were not able to join her by phone anymore, i just got the info that she took a Train from Poland to Kiev.
In 2023 - I were kidnapped in Palanca border point with Moldova by 3 Ukrainian Millitary's that fighted me, and i was in need to flee Ukraine where i continue to be persecuted for Foreign Political Motivations, French Ambassy in Kiev didn't support me. I goes to Kaliningrad in Russia where the FMS accepted to give me a temporary Asylum but rejected to take my application for a Political or Refugee Asylum, They also didn't issue me an original of asylum certificate and didn't provide me interpreting help for my asylum application (i found a professional interpreter) and didn't provide me informations about my asylum seeker rights, I am currenly in Russia but didn't get the status i asked for, i setup an activity in Russia but i cannot do plan for the future due to unclear situation, FMS didn't reject my asylum request but used the wrong one and do not facilitate me the life and company management in Russia as for now i cannot do nothing in Russia, they also refuse to take applications of my company for differents accreditations or licenses, i don't need a temporary asylum as my asylum is political and without Russian documents nobody wants to speak to me in any governmental structure.
I also write to the President of Russia but didn't got a clear answer, i just i got a letter from another FMS office told me that i were granted temporary Asylum, the issue is that i didn't got a Political Asylum and that the FMS refuse to accept documents to issue me a RVP that is a temporary residence permit, i qualify for this permit as i work as Journalist a Qualified Specialist, but they refused in the Kaliningrad FMS, Frunze 6 to talk to me, any reason is good for them not to take my application for this temporary permit to stay but according to the law i can apply for such a permit.
2020 Ukrainian Nationality Request - Court case was initiated in end of 2021 against Mr Zelenskyy and the Head of Migrations Department of Ukraine for not answering during 12 months to my Nationality of Ukraine application, depsite this fact due to Covid 19 and the War in Ukraine court stopped, During the War the difficulty to find a lawyer exist but i am still working to get the case back to the Constitutional Court of Ukraine because my Nationality of Ukraine request (under familly Grounds) were deposited in Kiev in February 2020, this request was full and accepted, then the Government of Zelenskyy didn't take a positive decision due to Corruption and heavy foreign pressure.
2023 Malagasy Nationality Request - I asked the Malagasy Nationality as my Mother and Grand Mother are Malagasy, i got no answer from the Malagasy Ambassy in Hungary and the Russian Federation. I also send the request to the Antananarivo Ministry of Justice. I will directly go to the responsibles persons when i will be on the Territory of Madagascar and reports the issues that i got from the foreign ambassadors, that even didn't answer calls or my several registered letters for this legitimate and documented request.
I will inform our readers in the future about next step's, if my Citizenship is revoked (after Covid19) i must theorically be able to get the Green Residence Permit for Stateless People's in Russia but this will be in the place where officers agree to talk to me and take applications.
Getting a Compulsory Green Card from MVD (Near Kremlin)
I am Currently in Trip in Moscow and I am Registered near the Metro Station Belorusskaya, I was in need to go to MVD to ask a duplicate of Migration Card, due to my Migration Card were Lost or Stolen, Then I report to Police and goes to the MVD at address Paveletskaya 7/2, in Moscow under Police Instructions.
According to the Russian Legislation i must got a Green Card because i stay more than 90 days in Russia and Were Granted Temporary Asylum but in Kaliningrad they didn't inform me about this legal requirement.
Now In Moscow depsite my Registration they refuse to take application for that Green Card that i must got according to Russian Legislation, The Director of Paveletskaya 7/2 FMS in Moscow ask me to go to Another MVD Office in Moscow, Then i will Visit this office Tommorow and let you know about the Result of my VIsit to this New Office.
Regarding to the Legislation i am obliged to have this Green Card but nobody inform me about this in the Frunze 6, Kaliningrad FMS office and i got this information by Myself.
MVD in Sakharovo at 90km from Moscow center (no results, they refused to take my profile) 18/12/2023
MVD in Baricadnaya 4, 1 Km from Kremin (closed and then refused my application) 18/12/2023
Meeting at MVD in Moscow (no Results cannot take my application, 700m near Kremlin) 13/12/2023
Meeting at MVD in Moscow (no Results cannot take my application, 700m near Kremlin) 13/12/2023
This article can be useful for Immigrants staying more than 90 days in Russian Federation about the Possibility to get this 10 years Compulsory Green Card and Where to Apply for this Card.
Russian Customs
1. Spitting and touching wood
Many superstitious Russians believe in the evil eye (an evil look bringing bad luck) – particularly bringing the evil eye on any compliments or good events. So don’t be alarmed if, after complimenting a child, their parent spits three times over their left shoulder, or touch a wooden surface three times (or their head, if there isn’t any wood in sight) – provided the parent is in earshot, of course! This custom is also done if someone tells you about some success of theirs (for instance, getting a new job), or if they’re going on holiday.
2. Don’t hand people money
It’s widely believed in Russia that money transmits energy from its owner (including negative energy); which can be transmitted if the money is placed directly from the hands of its previous owner to the new owner. Instead, if in a shop, you will be required to place your money into a tray, and likewise, your change will be placed there too for you to pick up, as the link of energy will be broken. I didn’t really think about how I was handing over my money at the time, but after reading into this, I realised that that was how I always paid – from everything to a hot chocolate in Starbucks, to a pair of shoes!
3. Never give clocks, scarves or knives as presents
Clocks are seen as an omen of parting, scarves of tears and knives of enemies; and so none of these are seen as a good present to give someone. If, however you don’t realise this fact and you do present one as a gift, expect to receive a coin from the recipient – take the coin, as it’s as if the recipient bought the gift, thus ending the bad omen.
4. Always give an odd number of flowers
Flowers are an extremely popular gift in Russia, and as a teacher, expect to be showered with bouquets of flowers from your students on the last day of school. However, if you plan on giving someone else a bouquet of flowers, make sure you know the rules. Firstly, you MUST make sure that you hand over an odd number of flowers, as an even number signifies funerals. Some people also see yellow flowers representing funerals, so if you’re unsure, opt for another colour.
5. Remove your shoes
Something that a lot of cultures consider polite, you should ALWAYS take off your shoes when entering a Russian house – the streets are dirty in large cities; and you’ll probably find that your host will provide you with slippers anyway.
6. Keep your glass half full
As would be expected, Russians are impressive vodka drinkers, and can often assume that you’re as hard-core as them. An empty glass in Russia will always be refilled, so if you feel like you’ve reached your limit, make sure your glass has some drink in it. If you don’t feel like drinking, just say that your doctor told you not to drink – no one will question it.
7. Don’t place empty bottles on the table
Continuing nicely from heavy vodka-drinking, when a bottle is empty, be sure to place it on the floor. An empty bottle left on the table is seen as bad luck.
8. Respect Babushka
The ‘babushka’ (or grandma) has a lot of respect and power in Russia – there is no point in arguing with them, because they will win regardless. Also (as is polite in the UK), give them your seat on the metro, tram or bus because if you don’t, they may start yelling at you, especially if you’re a guy. Again, saying that, when I gave up my seat to an old lady on the metro, she moved along so I could sit back down – Russians may have a reputation for being cold, but the majority are actually quite nice!
9. Don’t step on the grass
A common downfall of tourists, make sure you don’t step on any grassy areas in public places – especially in major tourist attractions such as the Summer Gardens in St Petersburg – as the police are known to closely monitor this, and fine you on the spot. You will however, find signs reminding you of this fact, but it’s just worth remembering! Another tourist trap to avoid is to refrain from taking pictures inside the metro and shopping centres as it’s illegal – you may get away with it, but then again, you may find a policeman behind you, ready to hand you a fine.
10. Avoid overly-smiling in the streets
The stereotypical cold, unfriendly Russian is partly down to their stern expressions; and one way foreigners are instantly spotted is by smiling. In Russia, there is a saying that “to smile with no reason, is a sign of a fool” – and a person smiling in the street can often be thought of as drunk or mentally ill. So before heading off on your Slavic adventure, be sure to practise your best ‘serious Russian face’ (that’s what I did!) – it comes especially in handy when riding the metro – a pout and furrow of the brows, and people won’t look at you twice!