Why The Ukrainian Government is Persecuting Me since 2020/2021 !
In this Article i will explain why the Ukrainian Government is Persecuting me, First of all this start when a New Government were elected in France in 2007 and the Yellow Vests Revolution Process.
> This Process started in 2019 and extend till now*.
> I applied for the Citizenship* of Ukraine in 2020 On the Ground of the Permanent Residency* since 2016 But then no answer were given by the Zelenskyy_ Government due to Foreign Pressure.
> Since 2012 i invested and worked in the Ukrainian Territory and Invested Millions of Hryvnia in Ukraine during this Years.
> Ukrainain Government since 2020 is trying to Steal my investments, and expeal me Unlawfully from Ukraine, Courts are taking slow to Review my complain in the Ukrainian territory where the lack of advocates to manage the complains.
> Now the Case this Year will be send to the European Court of Justice due to multiples violations of Ukrainian side of my Rights since 2022.
> During my Last Trip in Ukraine in 2023 (Winter) i were Kidnapped and fighted by the Ukrainian Border Guards on the Territory of Moldova (Palanca Border) after this and my escape of Ukraine i were Granted the Asylum on the Russian Territory.
It is noted that already Russia, Moldova and Poland give me the International Protection.
Hotel Room where i were in need to Stay for almost 1 month without Reason and sign papers each day in the Police office that i am staying there.
Hotel mext to Cherry Mall, Vychenve Ukraine were the Police asked me to Stay for unclear Reasons.(after my Kidnapping in Palanca, Moldova Republic)
Now I Will attach to you as my Readers how i found My familly House in Ukraine when i came back in 2022 Winter, and then "Vychenve Police" refused to Investigate this and Refused to Investigate where are my Wife and Childs.
*click on the Picture to access the Video
> For any informations about research of my Familly in Ukraine or documents about the corruption in Ukrainian Police you must contact me to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., all documents and data will be kept confidential.
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