My Missing Childs in Ukraine

Category: Blog Published: Sunday, 14 January 2024 Written by Super User

I post there a request of informations to find out where are my Childs in Ukraine, Currently i don't have any contact with their Mother and then Nobody give me any informations about their localisation and if they are in good health and their actual condition.

My Human Beings Childs are Fully registered in Poland and Ukraine, i also ordered a World Passport for them regarding i don't have their Ukrainian or French ID with me (it's with their Mother), Their World Passport is also notarized (legalized) in the Russian Federation.

The Russian Red Cross at this moment didn't help to localise my Childs in Ukraine, even that i fullfill all the requested informations, if you have any informations that can help me to enter in contact with my Childs please contact me by phone or email, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., +7921 109 27 55

Their last Known Localisation where in France at 10 rue Maurice Coeuret, 27940 Notre dame de l'isle - France, House of My Parents prior i was force to leave to Switzerland.

Their Usual residence and living place is in Kiev Svyatoshynskiy and Kiev City.


Valid Personal ID's of my Childs : 

David Damienovych Jegado, ATA Passeport Serial Number 1065, UAL, «Prendre la Tangente» Edition 2021 MAIF Social Club, Paris (Lifetime Validity from 21/02/2023) ISBN 978-1-906908-78-2, University of the Arts of London

Polish PESEL Number  17292915699 (lifetime validity) , Polish Transcripted Born Act Certificate AG 0743496 (Krakow 19.02.2022)UKR Born Act  1-БК 582858 


Odri Demiienivna Jegado, ATA Passeport Serial Number 1061, UAL, «Prendre la Tangente» Edition 2021 MAIF Social Club, Paris (Lifetime Validity from 01/02/2023) ISBN 978-1-906908-78-2, University of the Arts of London

Polish PESEL Number  19300214705 (lifetime validity) , Polish Transcripted Born Act Certificate AG 0740627 (Krakow 19.12.2022),  UKR Born Act  1-БК 688377 



David Damienovych Jegado Born the 29/09/2017 in a Kyiv Public Hospital (Solomianskiy District) 

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Odri Demiienivna Jegado Born the 02/10/2019 in a Kyiv Public Hospital (Solomianskiy District) 

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