Living cost Comparaison

Category: News Published: Saturday, 14 September 2024 Written by Super User

The cost of living in Yerevan the capital city is 30% More expensive if to compare to live in Middle city's as Gyumri (2nde Largest City) or Vanadzor, Goris.

You can find bellow the link to the Living cost comparator to have an approximative cost of Living per City or Armenian Oblast.

Living in Serbia and Armenia can be compared as Similar and a Similar cost of Living, with an advantage of the RA due to 6 Months Visa Free per Arrival for the Holders of E.U Passports (3 months each 6 months for Serbia) and a location advantage.


This below board represent the approximate cost to live in Yerevan for 1 Month, if to live in Smaller city's the cost will be at least 30% Cheaper, as Yerevan is the capital of Armenia and Rent is higher there.



Middle Cost of Monthly Expenses : 

costofliving armenia 2

cost0fliving armenia 3

costofliving armenia 4

costofliving armenia 5

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