Travelling by Air

Category: Blog Published: Saturday, 13 May 2023 Written by Super User

Travelling by Air Inside Russian Federation

Travelling inside Russia By AIr is the Most Easy and Fastest Method,  The Fares are relatively cheap and affordable, Many Airlines Exist on this Market and They offer competitive Tarifs.

The Air Routes allow you to Travel to Big and Middle City's all over the Russian Federation. 

All the Operating Company's have their Own Website and you can Check the Fares on their Website, we will do a list of them in this Article.


You can Buy Tickets for Less than $50 For Many Directions, Airlines tarifs of Internal Flights inside Russia are affordable.


The Main Russian Airlines Company's are :

- Aeroflot

- S7 Airlines

- Utair

- Rossiya

- Ural Airlines


Network of Russian Airlines Routes

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