Cost of renting a Poperty in RA

Category: News Published: Monday, 14 October 2024 Written by Super User

Cost of Renting a Flat or a House in the Main Cities of RA :

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yerevan1 YEREVAN* — (Capital City) : The cost of Renting a 1 Room Flat in the Capital City depends of the district but in the Central District (Kentron) the cost is from 170 000 AMD per Month about 403 EUR for a 20 Square Metters Studio (about 8500 AMD per Square Metter) ,  the cost is relatively cheaper about 20% to 30% Cheaper in others Districts. The Minimum Price found on internet were 90 000 AMD, about 210 EUR for a Studio at 7-8 km from the City Center.

The tarif for a 2 Rooms Flat start at 280 000 AMD per month for 35 - 40 Square metters in the City Center. (665 EUR) about 8000 AMD per Square Metter..


gyumri1 GYUMRI — : The cost of Renting a 1 Room Flat in the Gyumri City depends of the district but in the Central District the cost is from 50 000 AMD per Month about 115 EUR for a 20-30 Square Metters Studio (about 2000 AMD per Square Metter) ,  the cost is relatively cheaper about 20% to 30% Cheaper in others Districts. The Minimum Price found on internet were 40 000 AMD, about 100 EUR for a Studio at 7-8 km from the City Center.

The tarif for a 2 Rooms Flat start at 70 000 AMD per month for 35 - 40 Square metters in the City Center. (165 EUR) about 2000 AMD per Square Metter..

The cost is relatively cheaper for a House it cost 10% to 20% Cheaper.


vanadzor1 VANADZOR - (Lori Region)  : The cost of Renting a 1 Room Flat in the Vanadzor City depends of the district but in the Central District the cost is from 40 000 AMD per Month about 90 EUR for a 20-30 Square Metters Studio (about 2000 AMD per Square Metter) ,  the cost is relatively cheaper about 20% to 30% Cheaper in others Districts. The Minimum Price found on internet were 30 000 AMD, about 70 EUR for a Studio at 7-8 km from the City Center.

The cost of Renting Houses is 10 - 20% Cheaper.


goris1 GORIS (Syunik Region) :  The cost of Renting a 1 Room Flat in the Goris City depends of the district but in the Central District the cost is from 60 000 AMD per Month about 141 EUR for a 20-30 Square Metters Studio (about 2000 AMD per Square Metter) ,  the cost is relatively cheaper about 20% to 30% Cheaper in others Districts. The Minimum Price found on internet were 50 000 AMD, about 118 EUR for a Studio at 7-8 km from the City Center.

The cost of Renting Houses is 10 - 20% Cheaper.


Summary :

* : Means Living Validity

— : Means at Least 20 Years

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