Anna Jegado became a World Citizen of Antarctica with my and RA help

Category: Blog Published: Monday, 16 September 2024 Written by Super User

Anna Jegado Became a Unique World Citizen of Antarctica with the Berlin-Moscow* edition 2020 (Russian Language), number 14715*, Tretyakov Gallery Exposition of the ATA Passport, supported by the Kremlin.

ATA Citizenship were validated today in website.

Below i publish the scan of her Passport, her Son Andrii is added inside the document certified Authentic by in Wenzhou, China.

The Document is Valid at least 30 Years till his publication, (picture must be updated at the age of 45 Years old) 




Currently in Armenia, with purpose of PA or PR application

Category: Blog Published: Friday, 13 September 2024 Written by Super User

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I update my personal situation after a long break in the post of this blog, I will soon publish new videos about the Christian Lifestyle in the Armenian Republic.

I crossed the border there one week ago at the Yerevan airport Zvarnots with arrival from Budapest, Hungary.

I already opened a small Business in Yerevan, Armenia and will show my intention to carry out some part of my activity there.

Last days were not very productive due to the Unluck and the lost of time.

I will enter in contact with a law firm to help me to apply for this special procedure.

I still count on Moscow and Kaliningrad support and the airline than bring me here to support a future successful application.


Variant 1, Asylum The Grounds to apply :

• Still Political issues with Ukrainian Authorities in Ukraine, no possible coming back, that falsified a case against me to expeal me from Ukrainewhere lived 10 years due to family reasons.

• French Government Still tracking me and economically persecute me and I were recently not able to renew my ID documents due that french side revoked unlawfully my citizenship.

• My Kaliningrad Lawyer is still fighting in the court in St Petersburg against Wrong decision of the court to expel me on false base from the Russia and cancel my asylum prior is expiration.

• My 2 first 2 asylum applications in Chisinau 2022 and Kaliningrad 2023 where successfully accepted and granted but lasted one year only.


CamScanner 14 09 2024 1508   CamScanner 14 09 2024 1509   CamScanner 14 09 2024 1510

Migration card from Moscow (T.Asylum)    Airport Ticket for my Flight     Entry Stamp 043 at Airport, desk 5

CamScanner 15 09 2024 1428 1

Full Ticket from Budapest, Got from Kiosk 44 in Budapest Airport

One Way ticket 


Variant 2, Direct Permanent Residency application The Grounds to apply : 

• Anyone can apply for a Permanent Residency rights in the RA if the person is Working officially there or owning a company or sole proprietorship in the RA.

• The PR is valid 5 Years, and takes the form of a plastic card, after 3 years of PR the person can apply for a RA Citizenship.

• The details how to apply for Permanent or Temporary residency will be written in the form of an article.

Damien Jean Yves Jegado Arrested in St Petersburg, then expeal on his Own From the St Petersburg city.

Category: Blog Published: Monday, 22 July 2024 Written by Super User


                                     2023  illustration Picture in his Kaliningrad HQ Office

Unlawful Arrest and Detention of our General Director, Journalist and Chief Editor took place the 29.05.2024  in St Petersburg (Russian Federation) we were not able to Write an Article Before, Courts are Still Currently in Process at Differents Levels in the St Petersbourg Courts.

 - The General Director were arrested in a MVD office when he applied for a RVP without the intermediary of a Lawyer, He were unlawfully kept without access to lawyer, interpreter and without Water and Food in a Police Station in St Petersburg.

- The Court wrote a False Judgement against Our General Director due to Corruption at all Levels in this City, Our Advocate Appeal the Court Decision but the court refused unlawfully to examine the Appeal, Then he already Ask the Higher Court to cancel the 5 years Ban entry to the Russian Federation under False Motives and without taking into account his Work and Investments in the Russian Federation.

- Our General Director was detained 25 Days in conditions Worse than Moldova and had the Possibility to Discuss with People's from Africa, Belarus and SSSR Former Republics. 

He were released of unlawful detention in Jail due to the Appeal of his Kaliningrad Lawyer, the 25.06/2024 and the Pressure of the French Consulate.



Novak Djokovic the Serbian Brand Ambassador Number 1

Category: Blog Published: Sunday, 14 April 2024 Written by Super User


Serbian Tennis Man Number 1, The Special one Novak Djokovik, Christian Orthodox became the Ambassador of his TIny Country the Repubic of Serbia since 2011.

First Novak became a UNICEF ambassador since 2011, that demonstate him as a Protector of Human Rights and Human Person, He Serves as a UNICEF Ambassador in Serbia.

Novak Declared "Throught my wotk with UNICEF, i want to help Serbian Children realize their dreams. I want to help them understand that they have rights and that those rights should be protected. I want them to believe that anything is possible".

I want to help Childs to understand that they have rights and that those rights should be protected, i want them to believe that everything is possible.

Rima Salah, acting Deputy Executive DIrector Told "Novak Djokovic is a natural fit for the UNICEF". He cares Deeply about about the welfare of Serbian Children, bringing the same passion and enthusiasm for his career on the court to addresing issues affecting children.


Opening of a Division in St Petersburg

Category: Blog Published: Tuesday, 09 April 2024 Written by Super User

Opening of an Office in St Petersburg, Kolpino District.

RED NEWS ST PETERSBURG Start to operate since the 11/04/2024 

We Open an office and a Company Division in Kolpino for Archive Storage and Commercial Activities of our Kaliningrad News Agency Company, Division Start to Work from 11/04/2024.

This office is dedicated for International Journalism and International Trading and import-export activities and logistic services. 


 PS: View of Kolpino Logistic Center and Administrative Building.

Logistic and Office Center : Sevast'yanova 24, Interna A, 196655 Kolpino, St Petersburg


The Division work 7/7 days and from 08:00 / 20:00 with possibility to offer logistic services Round the Clock 24H loading and unloading goods during Rush Periods. This company Division is focused on Import-Export Activities and Logistic Services and have a Archive Place for International Journalism Investigations.

The Director of the Division is DAMIEN JEAN YVES JEGADO as Well as Director of the Kaliningrad Headquarters.

To Appoint  a Business Meeting call the Director or write an email, we will meet you.

Living in Russia, Serbia or Poland Comparative

Living in Russia VS Living in Serbia, Minus and Plus


I Lived 10 Months in Russia under the Temporary Asylum, i can tell you know my Feedback about Living in Russia Vs Living in Serbia.

In this Article i will write you the Advantages and Desadvantages of Living in Russia and Serbia.

In this Article i will Write a rating on 10 regarding the Living in both of this 3 Countries, from my Personal experience as Journalist that lived in both of this countries for Several Months.


The First Country to be Analyzed will be Serbia :

I will tell you my Experience of Living in Novi Sad, Subotica and avoid to talk about Belgrade (not a good place to live)

LIVING COST for 1 person : 700-900 EUR per Month all included

Cost of 1 hotel Night : From 10 EUR to 30 EUR (Middle Prices for 2 stars hotel)

Easy Settlement with the White Card Registration from the Police, Europeans can stay up to 6 months per Year without a Permit.

In Serbia usually People's are Friendly and usually help foreigners, a small part of Serbian People's Know English. The Streets are clean in the Vojvodina (Northern Part of Serbia), This Country is not very well known but it must be more Popular due to higher quality of Life of others European Countries.

In Serbia you can easily setup a Business and get a Temporary 1 to 3 years Residency that can be either prolong by the Police.

The Process to Setup a Serbian D.O.O (limited liability company) is Easy and fast, all cost around 200EUR included Notary translation of the Company Charter.

You also can buy a House from 10 000EUR to 30 000EUR In the Northern Part of Serbia that qualify you for Residency for a Year with Possibility of Prolongation and White Card Permanent Police Registration.


RATING FOR THE LIVING IN SERBIA (Vojvodina) : 9/10 (according to personal experience, and internet data compilation)

Living for Long Term without a Permit is Possible with a White Card Permanent Registration and Several European ID or Passports to Cross the border each 3 months, if not the duration of stay 3 months each 6 months.


LIVING IN BELGRADE : 6,9/10 (according my personal experience) due to high costs for accomodation, transport, food and security problems.

Living long term in Belgrade could be difficult for Middle Class European People's





The Second Country to be Analyzed will be Russia :

I will tell you my Experience of Living in Kaliningrad, Moscow, St Petersburg and avoid to talk about others cities (not a good place to live for long term)

LIVING COST for 1 person in Kaliningrad / St Petersburg : 500-800 EUR per Month all included

LIVING COST for 1 person in Moscow : 1000 EUR minimum (30% more expensives than the others main cities)

Cost of 1 hotel Night : From 10EUR to 20EUR (MIddle Prices for 2 stars hotel)

Difficult and Limited Time Settlement with the Migration Card Registration from the Hotel and Flat Owner, or MVD if you own property, Europeans can stay up to the term of their Visa or their Residence Permit, or Asylum Permit or Working Time.


In Russia usually People's are Friendly and usually help foreigners (Kaliningrad and St Petersburg), a small part of Russian People's Know English. The Streets are usually clean, This Country is not very well known, it is not difficult to get a Visa for Tourism but others Visa are difficult to obtain usually, Residency Permt even if you qualify for is also difficult to Obtain after Covid19 Due to Bureaucratic Situation.

In Russia you can setup a Business and get a Temporary permit for 3 years that can be Prolong for a VNG Passport after 8 Months.

The Process to Setup a Russian OOO (limited liability company) is Easy and fast, all cost around 200EUR included Preparation of documents by the agency and NALOG Fees.

You also can buy a House from 5 000EUR to 30 000EUR In Many Small Russian Towns but it doesn't qualify you for Residency. Work in Russia Qualify you for Residency.



Saint Petersburg : 3/10 (according to a personal experience, and internet data compilation), This Rating is Due to Very difficult situation with administration in this City FMS, Police, Courts... and High Corruption Level.

Kaliningrad : 7,7/10 (according to a 8 months personal experience, and internet data compilation)

Living for Long Term without a Permit is NOT POSSIBLE except if you Work in Russia under the law 115, due to the situation with Registration it is necessary to rent a flat or house for long term and get registration or Buy a Property and get a Registration, Regisration is done in MVD or MFC (Service center), The procedure is not difficult but you must be legally Staying in Russia to be registered.


LIVING IN MOSCOW : 7/10 (according my personal experience) due to high costs for accomodation, transport, food and traffic.

Living long term there could be difficult without a owned accomodation for Middle Class European People's


LIVING IN RUSSIA (Others Regional Towns) :  4/10 (according my personal experience) due to transport problems, lack of infrastructures, security problems sometimes, broken roads and lack of cleaning.

From my experience after living in Tcheboksary and Smolensk





The Third Country to be Analyzed will be Poland:

 I will tell you my Experience of Living in Krakow and Warsaw  and avoid to talk about others cities as i don't know enouth 

LIVING COST for 1 person in Warsaw / Krakow : 900 -1200 EUR per Month all included

LIVING COST for 1 person in Smaller Citiies (Przemysl) : 700 EUR minimum 

Cost of 1 hotel Night : From 15EUR to 35EUR (MIddle Prices for 2 stars hotel)

Easy Settlement with the Vovoidship Office if you own an accomodation or have a renting contract, Europeans can stay as much they want without a Residence Permit.


In Poland usually People's are Friendly and usually help foreigners, a small part of Polish People's Know English. The Streets are usually clean, This Country is not very well known, it is not difficult to get a Visa for foreigners from Outside Europe but others Visa are difficult to obtain usually, Residency Permt even if you qualify for is also difficult to Obtain after Covid19 Due to Bureaucratic Situation.

In Poland you can setup a Business with the KRS, for Non European Persons it help to get a Temporary Residence Permit.

The Process to Setup a Polish S.P Z.O.O (limited liability company) is Easy and but costly, all cost around 1000EUR included Preparation of documents by the agency, KRS Fees and others fees as Notarius fees.

You also can buy a House from 15 000EUR to 30 000EUR In Many Small Russian Towns but it doesn't qualify you for Residency


RATING FOR THE LIVING IN POLAND (Krakow, Warsaw) :  7,7/10 (according to personal experience, and internet data compilation)

Living for Long Term without a Permit is POSSIBLE for Europeans.


LIVING IN REGIONAL TOWNS : 6/10 (according my personal experience) due to Distance, lack and infrastructures and low salary's.

Living long term there could be difficult without a owned accomodation for Middle Class European People's 



pouce  FINAL REVIEW : SERBIA Number 1 (in Europe)

From my Personal Experience and data compilation i would Recommand you to Choose the Northern Part of Serbia to establish your European Residence, due to advantages of Visa Free Regime, White easy registration with Police, low prices and accomodation cost and a lot of Houses for Sell for an afffordable Price, under the European Price for accomodation.

+ Easy Settlement with a Police Registration

+ Not NATO, Not EU Member, Neutral Political Situation

+ Cheap Real Estate

+ Low Living Cost

+ In the center of Europe, Easy access to the European Union

+ Clean Cities 

+ Developped Infrastructures and cheap transport

+ Possibility to Obtain easily a Temporary Residence Permit 



All informations published on this website is property of "OOO Red News" company registered in Kaliningrad, Russia.

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We are cultural journalist's specialized in Russian World, OOO Red News publish News and cultural infos about the life in Russia and give advices to foreigners to immigrate to Russia.

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