Christine Razanamahasoa the Strongest Women in Antananarivo


Picture of Christine Razanamahasoa in her Green Chair

Today on the Special Series regarding the Malagasy Politics i would like to Draft the unique Portrait of Christine Razanamahasoa the Greatest and Strongest Women on the Red Island. This Women was the Head of the Malagasy Parliament during Many Years.

Mrs Christine Razanamahasoa Served as Minister of Justice during many years from 2009 to 2013.

She is a Lawyer and worked during the transition in 2014 and from 2019 as President of the National Assembly in Madagascar. She is one of the Srongest and Respected Women on the Red Island, with anti corruption skills and respect of the Malagasy laws and constitution.

She was one that goes against Andry Rajoelina and supported the 10 others candidates due to Rajoelina dual citizenship that prohibited by law to go for a New Presidential election in Madagascar.

In 2023 the Parliament Group IRD tried to remove from office Christine Razanamahasoa to let her without a Political Influence, this Group is the Group of the President Andry Rajoelina

She were excluded from the Political Party of Andry Rajoelina : TGV in 2023, Regarding the point of View of RedNovosti as an independant online newspaper, we think that Mrs Christine Razanamahasoa tried to act in the interest of Madagascar and fight against corruption and respect of the Malagasy Laws and Constitution during all her Politician work.

From DJ to President, the rare destiny of Andry Rajoelina

Category: Blog Published: Sunday, 17 March 2024 Written by Super User


Andry Rajoelina is a Self Made Men, from DJ he becomes the Malagasy President in 2009 after a Coup against is "Rival" the Famous and Very popular President Ravalomana, he was supported by a part of the Malagasy Population in this.

Andry Rajoelina and President Ravalomanana had some rivality for personal reasons that concern only them, we will not write in this article the reasons of their rivality or misunderstanding.

We will not describe the Coup , such informations and coup reasons can be found on Wikipedia.

Andry Rajoelina and his Staff tried to develop the Malagasy economy since 2009, and during the transition also Andry Rajoelina was again reelected President of the Red Island in 2023 depsite boycott request from the 10 White Opponents due to the allegated Violation of the Malagasy Law by Andry with his dual nationality French, Malagasy.  

Andry Rajoelina has very close ties with the Frenh Repubclic Many since years, he has according to open source a House in France, Neuilly sur Seine and his Childs studied and Reside in France.

Good COVID19 Management by Andry Rajoelina (world innovative leader)

Andry got the request to Vacinate the Malagasy from the UN but received only a miimum dose under a quota but the Majority of the population refused this Vaccination and prefered the Covid Organics Natural Drink of the Malagasy President.

This Drink was export under his governance for Free to many African Countrie's to fight agains the Covid19 in a natural, non risky solution.

Sources told it was Successuly export to Tanzania, Haiti, LIberia, Guinea... Negociations with Russia were set but no sources confirmed the export to Russia.

As one of the leader in the world that innovated and setup a Covid19 Drink to save the life of the Malagasy's, he were against vaccination of Malagasy's, Madagascar received from the UN the doses under a UN quota compulsory agreement.


Covid Organics By Garreth Brown

Covid19 Unique Creation of Malagasy President to Fight the Covid19 Without Medication


2023 new electoral success (depsite boycott request) 

In 2023 Andry Rajoelina was successuly again reelected for a second term the President of the Red Island depsite request to Boycott this elections by 10 of his Rivals.

His program is to continue to develop Madagascar and it's economy, modernize infrastructures, attract tourists and foreign investments, reduce the corruption.


We wish a Good Success to Andry and his Staff for his 2nde and last Presidential term (according to the law)

R.R who is Roland Ratsiraka ? Portrait {Madagascar Politics}

Category: Blog Published: Sunday, 17 March 2024 Written by Super User


Picture: Roland Ratsiraka Speech


Roland Ratsiraka is a Famous Malagasy Politician and Talented Entrepreneur that Greatly contributed to the Malagasy Economy with his own Company's.

We Present you him as a portential futur President of the the Red Island, he is a Person that act in the interest of the Malagasy People's and try to control the corruption on the Red Island, corruption that have a negative impact on the foreign investments possibility's to develop the Red Island.

Born in Antanarivo in 1966 he is from the Familly of the Famous Previous Malgasy President Didier Ratsiraka, He Founded is own Political Party in Toamasina in 1998, TTS Toamasina Tonga Saina to enter in the Malagasy Politics.

There was some Political Misunderstanding between Ravalomanana and Ratsiraka in 2007 due to the difference in the Malagasy community's, Ravalomanana is from the Merina Community and Merina usually collaborate between people's of their community with few exceptions for special cases or intermediary's, No charge against him was set and he never go to Jail as Ratsiraka and Ravalomanana have a close Political View despite that they are not from the same community.

Marc Ravalomana and Roland Ratsiraka are both very popular among Malagasy Politicians in the Antsiranana Province because they are the Politicians people's for the Malgasy's that protect the Right and Malagasy's understood that this politicians are fighting against corruption and trying to help Malagasy's.

We can consider the chances of Roland Ratsiraka to be President of the Red Island during the next 15 years are high, especially if he got more support to be better knowned from all the Malagasy's with a better Media Coverage in the country and a bigger financial support to his campains to spread his ideas in the Malagasy society and influence the futur of the Country.


10 white Candidates in Tana 2023, contest the election, with support of the Head of Malagasy Parliament

In 2023 he was among one of the 10 candidates that contest the Malagasy Presidential Election, they got also the Powerful support of the President of the National Parliament in Madagascar, Mme Christine Razanamahasoa  in their vandications.

He is probably the next one that can save the White Future of the Malagasy's People's in this World.

How I became a World Citizen of "Antarctica"

Category: Blog Published: Monday, 22 January 2024 Written by Super User

In this article i will shortly describe you how i became a World Citizen of "Antarctica" (for at least 20, 30 years lifetime duration) and for liftime a owner of a UAL Piece of Art with the help of the Artists Lucy + George Orta and the University of the Arts of London.

I found this initiative by Chance, i discover this New Passport by chance on the Internet and what is incredible that this Passport can be used in differents countries, it is not only a piece of Art but it can be used in Several Countries for internal idendification purposes. Currently in Russia it is possible to use this document as an identification document and pay taxes and use it in differents services with this Innovative Passeport.

For Sure it is not an Usual Passport for travelling around the World but Somtimes it can be used for travel in some places with Visa or Without Visa, you can check on website if you need a Visa.

You can Currently order this Passport with the UAL or the ORTA Studio that will deliver to you, it is also possible to get this Passport during their exibitions for 1 symbolic Euro usually.

This Unique Art Passport is edited by the UAL and have a unique Valid ISBN Code.

In Russia you can do a Notary Translation of this document and use it as your second or main ID document.



Picture taken in UHCR office in Moscow, Russia


I currently Hold 3 ATA World Passports by UAL/ORTA and associates, French 2022 Paris Edition Number 1066 (French/English Language) Registered in Russia in Pension Fund and others State Services, The ATA Passport Berlin-Moscow Edition 2020 Number 14678 (Russian Language)

The ATA Passport Morocco, Marrakesh 2018 Edition Number 816 (English Language)

All passports are certified Authentic with Hologram by a Chinese Company and are Notarized.


Then when you got this Passeport you must register to the website of ORTA Studio, it is a fast and easy procedure.

If you have any questions contact the UAL or the ORTA Studio.


Scan of my Unique Antarctica World Passports :

morocco1  MOROCCO1654

Morocco 2018, Marrakesh Limited Edition Valid Lifetime 30 years

 ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Certified Authentic in Wenzhou, China.

 russia germany1642  russiagermany1643

Berlin-Moscow, 2020 Limited Edition Valid Lifetime, Till 2034 To Travel with, according to : «deVENTE» Russia.

 RUSSIAN-GERMAN-ENGLISH-FRENCH LANGUAGE. Certified Authentic in Wenzhou, China.


russia1646  russia1648 

russia1647 1

French, Paris 2022, Limited Edition Valid Lifetime, Till 2033 To Travel with According to : «deVENTE» Russia.

 FRENCH-ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Certified Authentic in Wenzhou, China.


My Missing Childs in Ukraine

Category: Blog Published: Sunday, 14 January 2024 Written by Super User

I post there a request of informations to find out where are my Childs in Ukraine, Currently i don't have any contact with their Mother and then Nobody give me any informations about their localisation and if they are in good health and their actual condition.

My Human Beings Childs are Fully registered in Poland and Ukraine, i also ordered a World Passport for them regarding i don't have their Ukrainian or French ID with me (it's with their Mother), Their World Passport is also notarized (legalized) in the Russian Federation.

The Russian Red Cross at this moment didn't help to localise my Childs in Ukraine, even that i fullfill all the requested informations, if you have any informations that can help me to enter in contact with my Childs please contact me by phone or email, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., +7921 109 27 55

Their last Known Localisation where in France at 10 rue Maurice Coeuret, 27940 Notre dame de l'isle - France, House of My Parents prior i was force to leave to Switzerland.

Their Usual residence and living place is in Kiev Svyatoshynskiy and Kiev City.


Valid Personal ID's of my Childs : 

David Damienovych Jegado, ATA Passeport Serial Number 1065, UAL, «Prendre la Tangente» Edition 2021 MAIF Social Club, Paris (Lifetime Validity from 21/02/2023) ISBN 978-1-906908-78-2, University of the Arts of London

Polish PESEL Number  17292915699 (lifetime validity) , Polish Transcripted Born Act Certificate AG 0743496 (Krakow 19.02.2022)UKR Born Act  1-БК 582858 


Odri Demiienivna Jegado, ATA Passeport Serial Number 1061, UAL, «Prendre la Tangente» Edition 2021 MAIF Social Club, Paris (Lifetime Validity from 01/02/2023) ISBN 978-1-906908-78-2, University of the Arts of London

Polish PESEL Number  19300214705 (lifetime validity) , Polish Transcripted Born Act Certificate AG 0740627 (Krakow 19.12.2022),  UKR Born Act  1-БК 688377 



David Damienovych Jegado Born the 29/09/2017 in a Kyiv Public Hospital (Solomianskiy District) 

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Odri Demiienivna Jegado Born the 02/10/2019 in a Kyiv Public Hospital (Solomianskiy District) 

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Opening of a New Office in Moscow

Category: Blog Published: Friday, 01 December 2023 Written by Super User

We are opening today a New Division of LLC Red News in Moscow, the Division is located at the level -1 in the Administrative Building IFES RAS, Office 36, 36a in Moscow 

office1     capture3

 Postal Contacts :

1- For Registered Letters : OOO Red News 117997, Moscow GSP-7, Phone : +7 495 1210188

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All informations published on this website is property of "OOO Red News" company registered in Kaliningrad, Russia.

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We are cultural journalist's specialized in Russian World, OOO Red News publish News and cultural infos about the life in Russia and give advices to foreigners to immigrate to Russia.

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