Opening of a Division in St Petersburg

Category: Blog Published: Tuesday, 09 April 2024 Written by Super User

Opening of an Office in St Petersburg, Kolpino District.

RED NEWS ST PETERSBURG Start to operate since the 11/04/2024 

We Open an office and a Company Division in Kolpino for Archive Storage and Commercial Activities of our Kaliningrad News Agency Company, Division Start to Work from 11/04/2024.

This office is dedicated for International Journalism and International Trading and import-export activities and logistic services. 


 PS: View of Kolpino Logistic Center and Administrative Building.

Logistic and Office Center : Sevast'yanova 24, Interna A, 196655 Kolpino, St Petersburg


The Division work 7/7 days and from 08:00 / 20:00 with possibility to offer logistic services Round the Clock 24H loading and unloading goods during Rush Periods. This company Division is focused on Import-Export Activities and Logistic Services and have a Archive Place for International Journalism Investigations.

The Director of the Division is DAMIEN JEAN YVES JEGADO as Well as Director of the Kaliningrad Headquarters.

To Appoint  a Business Meeting call the Director or write an email, we will meet you.

Hits: 488


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We are cultural journalist's specialized in Russian World, OOO Red News publish News and cultural infos about the life in Russia and give advices to foreigners to immigrate to Russia.

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