Russian Religions

Category: News Published: Thursday, 04 May 2023

The Main religion in Russia is Chistianity, Christian Orthodox's are the main population, also Muslims are a large number in Russia, others minorities compose the full list of the Russian Religions, we will give you a list of all religions in Russia and the number of people's that compose each religion.

Russia is Mainly a Christian State, Russian Orthodoxy Leads with 41,1% of share followed by others Christians 6,3% (others branch's of Christianism), Muslims 6,5%, Neopagans and Tengrists (1,2%), Buddhists (0,5%), Others Religions (0,7%), Believers but not adherents to any particular Religion (25,2%), Atheists (13%), Undeclared (5,5%).

Religion in Russia is Diverse, with Christianity, especially Orthodoxy, being the most widely professed faith, but with significant minorities of non-religious people and adherents of others faiths. A 1997 Law on religion recognizes the right to freedom of conscience and creed to all the citizens, the spiritual contribution of Orthodox Christianity to the history of Russia, and respect to Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism and others religions and creeds. According to the law any religious organisation may be recognised as Traditional, if it was already in existence before 1992, and each Newly founded religious group has to provide it's credentials and re-register yearly for fifteen years and in the meantime until eventual recognition, stay without rights.

The Russian Orthodox Church, though it's influence is thin in some part of Siberia, and southern Russia, where there has been a perceptible revival of pre-christian religion, acts as the de facto, if not de jure, privileged religion of the state,  Claiming the right to decide which other religions or denominations are to be granted the right of registration.


Russian Map of religions :

As you can see Almost all the Territory of Russia is under Orthodox, Others minorities are Spread in differents oblasts in all the Territory of Russia.

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