Immigrate to Russia

Category: News Published: Saturday, 06 May 2023

Immigration guide in the Russian Federation, how to arrive in Russia and Stay there from Visa approval up to Residence Permit. Exist Differents types of Visa, if you want to stay a long time in Russia, for more than 90 days each 180 days you will need to get a Residence Permit, we will explain you the steps to be able to enter Russia and Stay in Russia.


Immigrate to Russian Federation

To Be Able to Immigrate to Russia you will firstly need to obtain a Visa Online as E-VISA or in your Russian Consulate/Ambassy,

In this article we will speak about the most commons VISA to enter Russia and possibility to be able to Work and Remain in Russia Legally for Foreigners (Except for CEI citizens that have already Free Movement Agreement with Russia).

Click on the Link to get Exact List of Documents you need to proceed :

Tourist Visa

Private Visa

Business Visa

Student Visa

Work Visa

Transit Visa

Familly Members of Russia Citizens

Holders of Diplomatic and Service Passports


We recommand you for a first trip in Russia to enter with Business Visa, if you want to stay a short time you can also apply for Tourist Visa. The list of documents to provide are indicated in the page of each Visa Description.

It is important to Respect Visas dates as if you stay longer than your Visa Allowed you will be fined and exist probability that you will not be allowed to leave Russia without a court decision or an Exist Visa, You will be able to exit when you will get a Residence Permit or Asylum document or any other document that legalize your stay in Russia over the Visa period.


Residence Permits :

In Russia to Legalize a long term Stay you will need to apply for a Residence Permit or a RVP (Temporary Residence Permit), there we will talk about the possibility to get one of this permits for Foreigners and the speed it usually takes.

 More informations can be found here with exact description :


Apply to Asylum :

Another possibility to Remain in Russia is to apply for Temporary Asylum, if you are persecuted in your country of usual Residence or Citizenship you can apply, you will need to show evidences that you suffer persecution or that law enforcement authority's are looking for you.

This Asylum is given for 1 year renewable each year up to 3 years, you must during this time apply for a Permanent Residence Permit in the Russian Federation, to apply you must go the the branch of FMS of the city you are staying in Russia, you cannot apply from abroad, you will eventually have the right for Free of charge interpreter.

We will not speak about Political or Refugee in Russia that are given in very rares situations and almost impossible to get a positive decision.

Decision to be able to get  or Reject Temporarly Asylum must be Taken during 3 months, When you submit your application FMS will give you a Certificate that you applied for Temporarly Asylum.

You will need to apply to court within 30 days if the decision is negative and you would like to start a dispute.


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All informations published on this website is property of "OOO Red News" company registered in Kaliningrad, Russia.

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We are cultural journalist's specialized in Russian World, OOO Red News publish News and cultural infos about the life in Russia and give advices to foreigners to immigrate to Russia.

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