Central Armenia Life —

Category: News Published: Tuesday, 15 October 2024 Written by Super User

Armenia central


Central Armenia is Armenia's political, cultural, economic, and transit hub, home to the political and spiritual capitals of Yerevan and Echmiadzin.



Central Armenia includes the following marzes (political departments):




  • 1 Yerevan  Armenia's capital and the center of modern Armenian life.
  • 2 Armavir  The ancient capital of Armavir province, believed to have been founded in the early 20th century B.C. by King Argishtis I of Urartu, and the one-time capital of the Urartian Empire.
  • 3 Artashat  The former capital of Armenia (2nd century BC5th century AD), located by the stunningly situated Khor Virap Monastery.
  • 4 Ashtarak  The center of Aragatsotn region with interesting temple architecture.
  • 5 Byurakan  It is a good place to sleep to then climb Mount Aragats.
  • 6 Echmiadzin (Vagharshapat)  The spiritual capital of Armenia, home to the Armenian Catholicos, and is a UNESCO World Heritage site.
  • 7 Garni  A village best known for its temple, the only preserved monument in Armenia, which belongs to the era of paganism.
  • 8 HrazdanHrazdan on Wikipedia  The capital of in Kotayk Province and also home to the Makravank Monastery.
  • 9 Talin  This village boasts a very large cathedral built approximately in VII century. Also, popular for its nearby Dashtadem Fortress.
  • 10 Tsaghkadzor  Ski resort



Noteable towns and villages

  • 11 AparanAparan on Wikipedia  Interesting for its people and the nearby Kasagh basilica.
  • 12 Ashnak
  • 13 ArzniArzni on Wikipedia  Resort village located on the Hrazdan Canyon, inhabited by the Assyrian people.
  • 14 Byurakan  Popular for the nearby Amberd Fortress and the Surp Hovhannes Church.
  • 15 MughniMughni on Wikipedia  A village with an interesting church where alternating colors of stone,
  • 16 OshakanOshakan on Wikipedia  The creator of the Armenian alphabet, Mesrob Mashtots, is buried here.



Three khachkars (cross- stones) in the courtyard in front of the Theological Seminary, Vagharshapat

This is the heart of the nation, with Yerevan at its center. Much of it is comprised of the Ararat valley, which is flat and dry most of the year, and provides spectacular views of Mt. Ararat on a clear day. The valley was split in half after Turkey invaded shortly after WWI, and the border is still a sensitive area, with Russian troops and bases guarding the Armenian side.



As with the rest of Armenia, Armenian and Russian are pretty much universally spoken, while English, French and German are spoken by few. English is of course gaining in popularity.

Get in

Most tourists arrive in Yerevan at Zvartnots International Airport, in the middle of this region.

Get around

You'll never be more than an hour away from Yerevan. Day trips can get you anywhere quite easily.

By marshrutka

Many regular marshrutkas head into the region from Yerevan's several bus stations, and between larger towns and cities.

By thumb

There are many cars crossing the region. So, you will not have issues finding someone to take you as far as you desire. Always offer a little tip in return — the equivalent of a marshrutka ride is common.

By taxi

You can hire taxis for 100 dram/km and about 1,500 dram/hr for waiting time if you want to do things at your own pace.

By tour

There are plentiful cheap, guided day tours offered by tour agencies all over Yerevan to place like Khor Virap, Garni/Geghard and Echmiadzin/Zvartnots.

By car rental

Car rentals are more expensive, but useful if you want to strike out on your own into Khosrov Reserve or just explore the Hrazdan Gorge at your own pace.



West end of Central Armenia

Talin Cathedral
  • 1 Talin Cathedral.Cathedral of Talin (Q2664925) on WikidataCathedral of Talin on Wikipedia At the very west end of this region is the town of Talin. Just west of the town center is the huge 7th century cathedral built much in the style of the Cathedral of Ani a few kilometers west, and the Cathedral of Aruch, a few kilometers east down the highway, and worth a visit also. Talin Cathedral also has a smaller, tiled roof church near the entrance to the grounds.
  • 2 Dashtadem Fortress.Dashtadem Fortress (Q18623932) on WikidataDashtadem Fortress on Wikipedia 6km south of Talin is Dashtadem Fortress, with a castle and church in the middle of a fortress. These are being restored, and are worth a side trip on the way to Gyumri in the north.
  • 3 Mastara Church.Church of St. John (Q2664848) on WikidataChurch of Saint John, Mastara on Wikipedia  This 7th century church, just a few hundred meters off the Yerevan-Gyumri highway, is an excellent example of early Christian architecture.
  • 4 Garnahovit Church.Garnahovit (Q1991630) on WikidataGarnahovit on Wikipedia  8km further beyond Mastara Church is the village of Garnahovit with an excellent and quite large restored church with red tile roof from the same period.


Amberd Fortress and Byurakan Observatory and Church

Amberd Fortress

On the southern face of Mt. Aragats, 5 Amberd FortressAmberd on Wikipedia is a quick trip from Yerevan and a popular escape from the Yerevan summer heat. The fortress looms over a small church, and both overlook the Ararat Valley and Mt. Ararat across the valley. Further up the mountain is a nice lake which is the starting point for the hike up to the southern peak of Mt. Aragats.

Before reaching Amberd, the village of Byurakan offers the ancient 6 Surp Hovhannes ChurchSurp Hovhannes Church, Byurakan on Wikipedia. Tucked away behind some houses, it is marked with the old Christian cross used before the Armenian cross design came into use. The 7 Byurakan ObservatoryByurakan Observatory on Wikipedia in the same village was home to Viktor Ambartsumian, a famous astrophysicist, and offers tours during the day, or star gazing at night. Also nearby is the 8 Orgov TelescopeOrgov Radio-Optical Telescope on Wikipedia, abandoned in its all Soviet glory. All are usually by appointment, though showing up and asking nicely has been known to work.


Ashtarak and Kasagh River Gorge monuments

Hovhannavank Monastery

The picturesque town of Ashtarak is less than half an hour from central Yerevan. It has 3 very old churches standing and 2 in ruins. It is also home to Ashtaraki Dzor Restaurant Complexwell worth a stop for a reasonably priced meal and nighttime entertainment show, all outdoors, and long popular with Armenians.

  • A little down the river is Oshakan Village, where the creator of the Armenian alphabet, Mesrob Mashtots, is buried in the village church.
  • Just north along the river (and highway) is Mughni, with an interesting church where alternating colors of stone form black and red bands around the cupola.
  • Further north is Ohanavan village with 9 Hovhannavank Monastery.Hovhannavank (Q1632005) on WikidataHovhannavank on Wikipedia This restored monastery is perched atop the cliffs and has a great view of Mt. Ara.
  • 10 Saghmosavank Monastery.Saghmosavank (Q2984721) on WikidataSaghmosavank on Wikipediajust east of Artashavan village shares the same great views of the gorge and Mt. Ara. You can hike from one to the other in the gorge. Great architecture, carvings, details.
  • Much further north is the town of Aparan, whose inhabitants are the butt of jokes which pin them as not the brightest folk. The very ancient, black 11 Kasagh basilica.Aparan Basilica (Q2664877) on WikidataKasagh Basilica on Wikipedia, just a few meters from the main highway is worth dropping into on your way to Lori Marz.


Northwestern Kotayk

The northwestern parts of Kotayk are mountainous, forested and popular with Armenians as places to go and relax. Hankavan, Tsaghkadzor, Bjni and Aghveran are all well known by Armenians as places where nature is nice, and relaxation is possible not far from Yerevan. Each place has different things to offer, but all offer hills, mountains and forest.
  • 17 HankavanHankavan on Wikipedia  An old Greek village, is furthest from Yerevan and offers isolation, hot springs and sparse accommodation.
  • 18 Tsaghkadzor  A ski town (see the "Do" section) offers a multitude of accommodation options, a beautiful monastery, restaurants and bars.
  • 19 BjniBjni on Wikipedia  Has a grand old church, ruins of a fortress, a gorgeous canyon, and springs.
  • 20 AghveranAghveran on Wikipedia  Has a good selection of places to stay including the new, luxury Artur's Resort. Nearby are the hot springs in Arzakan.


Garni Temple and Geghard Monastery

Garni Temple

These are absolutely obligatory stops for any visitor to Yerevan, for good reason. 12 Temple of Garni.Garni Temple (Q684072) on WikidataGarni Temple on Wikipedia, a small Roman temple built in the first century by the Armenian king is incredibly sited atop basalt cliffs, and has a ruined bathhouse and the foundations of a temple in the fortified compound as well.

Geghard monastery

Arguably the most awe-inspiring site in Armenia is the 13th-century 13 Monastery of Geghard.Geghard (Q499285) on WikidataGeghard on Wikipedia much of which is carved out of the solid stone of the mountain it abuts. Once housing (and still named after) the lance that pierced Jesus' side, it is sited at the end of a canyon, surrounded by steep rock mountains, with fortified walls, holy springs, an upper chamber with unparalleled acoustics and many intricate khachkars. Monastery of Geghard together with the Upper Azat Valley is a UNESCO World Heritage site.


Sardarapat Monument and Museum

Most in the Armenian Diaspora know the famous song Sardarapat about the battle fought here which saved Armenia from complete annihilation by Turkey after WWI. The 14 Sardarapat Memorial.Sardarapat Memorial (Q1519076) on WikidataSardarapat Memorial on Wikipedia is large and looks out over today's border with Turkey, drawn after that battle. Adjoining is Armenia's largest ethnographic museum, with a large collection of artifacts from different parts of Armenia. Well worth a visit if you like to see how people lived back in the day..


Echmiadzin Cathedral

The 15 Etchmiadzin Cathedral.Etchmiadzin Cathedral (Q1294648) on WikidataEtchmiadzin Cathedral on Wikipedia founded in 301 by St. Gregory the Illuminator and rebuilt and added to for over 1,700 years now is the heart of the Armenian Church, and seat of the Catholicos of all Armenians. The altar is built over an ancient pagan fire worshiping pit (accessible from the museum behind the altar), the inside has some interesting frescoes, altar, lamps, and thrones. The intricate bell tower entrance is an addition from the 1800s, and the surrounding grounds have gardens with examples of khachkars from throughout Armenia and further. Near the new entrance gates are a few exquisite khachkar examples from Jugha (now in Azerbaijan), which had by far the largest khachkar collection in the world. The thousands of khachkars which remained there were destroyed during this decade by the Azeri government.

Two other important churches in the same town, both honoring Roman virgins who were martyred for refusing to marry Armenia's heathen king are.

  • 16 Saint Hripsime Church.St. Hripsime (Q1579525) on WikidataSaint Hripsime Church on Wikipedia
  • 17 Saint Gayane Church.Saint Gayane Church (Q1450786) on WikidataSaint Gayane Church on Wikipedia


Khor Virap

Khor Virap Monastery

Deep in a pit at 18 Khor Virap.Khor Virap (Q1144626) on WikidataKhor Virap on Wikipedia Armenia's Christianity began. Imprisoned here for his heretic faith, St. Gregory the Illuminator was not released until he cured Armenia's king of a terrible disease (some legends say he had turned into a boar). The king, in gratitude converted himself, and Armenia with him, into the first officially Christian nation in the world. The fortified monastery sits on a small hill in a very flat Ararat Valley. The view of the mountain is the best you'll get, though the monastery otherwise is not so remarkable. 45 min from Yerevan, this is an easy morning trip, or a quick stop along the road heading to Southern Armenia.


Other sites worth visiting

Ruins of Zvartnots Cathedral
  • 19 Teghenyats Monastery.Teghenyats Monastery (Q13052933) on Wikidata
  • 20 Tegher Monastery(Tegheri Vank).Tegher Monastery (Q2664913) on WikidataTegher Monastery on Wikipedia
  • 21 Saint Stephen Monastery of Goght(Aghjots Vank).Aghjots Vank (Q2826838) on WikidataAghjots Vank on Wikipedia
  • 22 Khosrov Forest State Reserve.Khosrov State Reserve (Q1076666) on WikidataKhosrov Forest State Reserve on Wikipedia and the Khosrov cave
  • 23 Zvartnots Cathedral.Zvartnots Cathedral (Q17054090) on WikidataZvartnots Cathedral on Wikipedia  UNESCO site and impressive ruins of a 7th-century Armenian cathedral, right by the international airport which is named after it.



  • Ski – Tsaghkadzor has long been Armenia's only ski resort. New ones are reportedly coming, but for now, this is the place to go. The lifts are all brand new, and new runs have been developed. Many hotels old and new offer a place to stay, as do many homes.



  • Mount Aragats – Armenia's highest peak, and a popular climb from mid-July to mid-September when the snow pack is mostly melted.
  • Mount Ara – This one has a crater inside it which is a relatively easy climb, and if you head left you can sit upon the nose. Do not descent in steep and slippery areas, the rocks can crumble and you risk severe injury. Stick to the solid, milder slopes.

Other peaks are much more difficult and should be undertaken after consulting a guide or book.



Outside of Yerevan, Central Armenia has a limited food selection to offer. Some of the bigger towns have restaurants or bistros, but outside of this and a small number of roadside barbecue (khorovats) joints, there is very little.


Drinks and sometimes bars are available where food is served.


Stay safe

Central Armenia is very safe for residents and visitors alike.
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