Trying to Register with MVD Russia (St Petersburg)
To Continue to Disclose the 2024 MVD Practives inside Russia, I am now in Need of a Temporary Registration due of my New Working place in St Petersburg (Kolpino)
MVD Kolpino told me to go to St Petersburg for the Registration and there they told me that they cannot register me before 1 month of Delay due to some documents (a contract that must be approved and signed by me)
Registration of Workers at the Legal entity office address must take place at Krasnogo Tekstil'schika street number 10 and 15 (according to Kolpino MVD office)
This is clear Violation of the Law on Migration Registration of a Foreign Citizen at their place of Stay must take place during the first 7 days after their arrival to the Renting or Owned Place of the Legal Entity. (A claim was send to MVD Russia for Clarification) due to the impossibility for me to send the Declaration online with Gosuslugi due to a Foreign Passport registered and the need to use Private Company working with MVD to do this Registration of Stay in St Petersburg.
According to my current experience since 2023, it is cleart that must be used legal services to apply and submit documents to MVD Russia, to avoid unlawfull practices or delay's.
Hidden Camera at St Petersburg Krasnogo Tekstil'schika 15 (Desk 102) Talon for Registration (Krasnogo Tekstil'schika 10) Third Floor
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