Russian Politics

Category: News Published: Tuesday, 02 May 2023

Since More than 20 years Russian Politics are mainly under the hands of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin that leads the Russian Federation since 1999, Russie Unie is the main party in Russia, the President of Russia is currently V.V Putin, in previous years Mr. Medvedev was the President of Russia and Mr. Putin the Prime Minister.


Russian President (Power) :

In this Article we will talk about organization of Politics in Russia and Structure of Power.

Since 1999 the President of the Russian Federation is Vladimir Vladimirovitch Putin, He leads the Executive Power, Mr Medvedev was temporarly President of Russia for a Short Period of Time between 1999 till Now, then Mr Putin was Prime Minister.

Currently 30 Political Party's are registered in Russia, and 28 have the right to participate to elections. The Main Political Party is United Russia, the Chairman of the Party is Mr. Dmitry Medvedev, The party currently Holds 72,22% of the 450 Seats of the Russian Duma (Russian Parliament), Since 2007 the party holds the Majority in the Chamber.

The Party Was formed the 01 December 2001, the Main center of Executive Power in Russia is the Kremlin (Moscow)

The Main Opposition in Russia is the Communist Party.


Russian Duma (Legislative Power) :

The State Duma is the lower house of the Federal Assembly in Russia, While the Upper House is the Federal Council, The Duma Headquarters are located in Central Moscow, a Few Steps from the Manege Square. It's Members are referred as Deputies. The State Duma Replaced the Supreme Soviet as a result of the New Constitution introduced by Boris Yeltsin.


Russian Federation Council :

The Federation Council is the upper house of the Federal Assembly in Russia according to the 1993 Constitution of the Russian Federation. Each of the 89 Subjects of Russia, Consisting in 24 Republics, 48 Oblasts, Nine Krais, 3 Federal Cities, 4 autonomous Okrugs, 1 Autonomous Oblast, Send 2 senators to the Council, for a total membership of 178 Senators. In Addition, the Constitution also provides for Senators from the Russian Federation, which can be more than 30, As Well as optionally former presidents as life Senators. 

The Council holds it's Sessions within the Main Building on Bolshaya Dmitrovka in Moscow. 

For Purposes of succession, the chairman of the Federal Council is the third-highest position in the Russian Federation, after the President and the Prime Minister. In the Case of Incapacity of the President and Prime Minister, The Chairman of the Federal Council  becomes the Acting President of the Russian Federation.

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